Friday, 20 July 2012

Here I am!


I'm new to this so this is going to be a steep learning curve!

I'm Alan.  I'm married with one daughter.  I have got back into modelling after a break o about 25 years.  Things have changed a lot in those years in the wilderness, but I think for the better.

I dabble in anything that really grabs my attention.  My main area of interest is the Vietnam War - especially the air war, but all aspects of the conflict.  I am also interested in anything to do with the Battle of Waterloo, the Apollo Space Programme, Model Firearms and bits and pieces from other eras.  I have pretty broad interests, but am not particularly knowlegeable about any!!!

If I was starting again, I would probably model mainly in 1/48 scale as my eyesight isn't what it once was! Most of the kits I have to build are 1/72 with a sprinkling of 1/48 and other scales ... 1/1, 1/12, 1/35, 1/285!

Just bear with me if you stumble across my blog and be warned ... I am not the world's fastest builder!!!


  1. Hi Alan,

    some neat stuff here already...yep modelling in 1:72nd gets a bit difficult the further away you get from 16 years old !..a magnifying lamp is an idea, use mine all the time!
    all the best

  2. Thanks, FalkeEins!

    I tried a magnifying glass without much success. I went to the optician for my check up and explained the problem and she got me some lenses that magnify x2 (I think). I can see much better with them.
    Cheers! :-)
